
2023 (Dec 7-8) Paper “Thatcherism, Ironic-Nostalgia, and Englishness: Revisiting the Edwardian Age in Isabel Colegate’s Neo-Victorian Fiction” 8th “MEMORY, MELANCHOLY AND NOSTALGIA” International Interdisciplinary Conference (Gdansk).

2023 (Jun. 21-23) Paper “Make America Great Again”: (De)Colonising Masculinities in Viet Thanh Nguyen’s The Refugees (2017). Diasporic Heritage and Identity Conference (AHM, University of Amsterdam).

2021 (Nov. 24-26) Round Table (with Andrew Monnickendam, David Owen, Christina Howes and Andrea Bellot): “Generation 1.5: Blurring Memory’s Borders in Jurek Becker’s Jakob the Liar” “Border-Crossing Experiences in Contemporary War Literature” 44th Conference of the Spanish Association for Anglo-American Studies (AEDEAN) University of Cantabria (online).

2021 (Nov. 24-26) Paper “Before the Outbreak of What Used to be Known as the Great War:’” ‘Ironic’ Nostalgia in Isabel Colegate’s The Shooting Party (1980)” 44th Conference of the Spanish Association for Anglo-American Studies (AEDEAN) University of Cantabria (online).

2021 (Sep. 8-9) Round Table (with Andrew Monnickendam and David Owen): “‘Before the Outbreak of What Used to be Known as the Great War:’” ‘Ironic’ Nostalgia in Isabel Colegate’s The Shooting Party (1980)” Rewriting War and Peace in the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries: Contemporary British and American Literature. Autonomous University of Barcelona (online).

2021 (Aug. 30-Sept 3) Paper: “Representing the Malvinas/Falklands War on Stage: Crossing Borders in Minefield/Campo Minado (Lola Arias, 2016)” ESSE 2021 (online).

2020 (Jan. 16-17) Paper: “Bitch or Slut? Gender, Violence and the Representation of the Female Soldier in Kayla Williams’ Love my Rifle More Than You.” Language and Violence: Literary Mediations in the Age of the Anthropocene (Facultade de Filoloxía e Tradución, University of Vigo).

2019 (Jul. 9-10) Paper: “Generation 1.5: Blurring Memory’s Borders in Jurek Becker’s Jakob the Liar” “Why Remember? Memory and Forgetting in Times of War and Its Aftermath: Border Poetics and Politics: 1989 and the Fall of the Wall” WARM FESTIVAL (2-Day Symposium). Hotel Europe, Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina.

2018 (Nov. 7-9) Paper: “Prefer not, eh?”: Re-Scribing the Lives of the Great War Poets in Contemporary British Historical Fiction. (AEDEAN, University of Cordoba).

2018 (Nov. 7-9) Chairing ( S. Martín, J. Coral, P. García, D. Owen): “The Spectre of Defeat” (AEDEAN, University of Córdoba).

2017 (Apr. 6-9) Paper: “‘Remembering Victory or Commemorating Defeat?’ Ivor Gurney’s Warring Memories” “The Fictional First World War: Imagination and Memory since 1914” (University of Aberdeen).

2016 (Nov. 9-11) Paper: “‘Remembering Victory or Commemorating Defeat?’ Ivor Gurney’s Warring Memories” (AEDEAN, Universidad de Zaragoza).

2015 (Nov. 11-13) Paper: “‘We aren’t no thin red ‘eroes’: Rewriting the Trope of the Great War Soldier on the Vietnam Front” (AEDEAN, University of Deusto).

2014 (Nov. 12-14) Paper: “Resisting the Hero’s Tale: The Trope of the Cowardly Soldier in the Literature of the Great War” (AEDEAN, University of Alcalá).

2014 (Oct. 21-24) Paper: “Tales of the happy battalion: Death and Birth of the Hero Myth in the literature of the Great War” “Myths in Crisis. The Crisis of Myth” (Complutense University of Madrid).

2014 (Sep. 11-12) Paper: “Ford Madox Ford’s Impressionistic Memories: The Crisis of the Witness in Parade’s End” “Memory: Forgetting and Creating” (University of Gdańsk).

2014 (Feb. 27-Mar 1) Paper: “Subverting Heroic Masculinity: The Coward’s Tale in the Literature of the Great War” “Resisting war in the 20th century” (Institute of Contemporary History, Lisbon, UNL-FCSH).

2013 (Nov. 13-15) Paper: “Of Heroes, Ghosts and Witnesses: The Construction of Heroic Masculinity in British World War Literature.” (AEDEAN, University of Oviedo).

2013 (Nov. 13-15) Round Table (with C. Howes and C. Oliver). Chair: A. Monnickendam: “The Arrival and Consolidation of the Witness in War Writing.” (AEDEAN, University of Oviedo).

2012 (Dec. 14) Paper: “From Guided Reading to Autonomy: Using Study Guides to Teach Narration and Focalisation in the English Literature Class” “Between the Lines: A One-Day Conference” (Autonomous University of Barcelona)

2011 (Nov. 16-18) Paper: “War Heroes and Pacifists on the Same Front: RE-reading
Heroism in Two Imperial War Memoirs” (AEDEAN, Autonomous University of Barcelona).

2010 (Jun. 28-30) Round table (with Joan Rué, M. Isabel Pividori and Jesús Armengol): “Moving towards quality: teaching strategies to promote student learning autonomy in higher education”. ICED 2010 Conference. Enhancing Strategies for global quality learning in Higher Education (Barcelona).

2010 (Jun. 23). Paper: “War Heroes and Pacifists on the Same Front: Re-reading Heroism in Two Imperial War Memoirs” Group for War and Culture Studies Seminar: “No More Heroes Anymore” (University of Westminster, London).

2010 (Jun. 11). Paper: “The Death and Birth of a Hero: The Search for Heroism in British World War One Literature” Post-Graduate Seminar on English Studies (Autonomous University of Barcelona).

2009 (Nov. 12-14) Round table (with Aránzazu Usandizaga, Jordi Coral and Alba Adell): “Back to Peace: Desire in the Aftermath of World War I and II” (AEDEAN, University of Cádiz).

2009 (Mar 26-28) Paper: “Out of the Dark Room: Photography and Memory in Rachel Seiffert’s Holocaust Tales.” “Between the Urge to Know and the Need to Deny:” Ethics and Trauma in Contemporary Narrative in English (University of Zaragoza).

2008 (Nov 13-15) Paper: “The Good Samaritan Soldier: Bonding with the Enemy in John Pearman’s The Radical Soldier’s Tale” (AEDEAN, University of the Balearic Islands).

2007 (Nov. 15-17). Paper: “Out of the Dark Room: Photography and Memory in Rachel Seiffert’s Holocaust Tale” (AEDEAN, University of A Coruña).

2007 (Sept. 13-20) Poster: “Literature Study Guides and Guided Notes: A Guide to Guided Reading.” IV Jornades de Campus d’Innovació Docent. (Autonomous University of Barcelona).

2007 (Mar. 26-30) Paper: “Heroic or Crippled? The Male Body in Two War Memoirs: Towards a Reconstruction of Masculinity and British National Identity”. I International Conference “Body and Textuality: Telling Bodies: Practices, Discourses, Looks” (Autonomous University of Barcelona).

2006 (Dec. 14-16) Paper: “Goodbye to Berlin: Different Angles on Isherwood’s Camera.” (AEDEAN, University of Huelva).

2005 (Sept 21-23). Paper: “The Cut and Paste Plagiarist Culture: Fair Use vs. Free Use. Where do we Draw the Line?” XI International Conference Culture and Power: “El Reciclaje de la Cultura” (Autonomous University of Barcelona).